February 10th 2017
Welcome back, I am going over your chart and I notice it has been a while since you have ejaculated. We can not have this, one moment please while I put on my purple gloves and mask to release the pressure you have built up. Now just lay back and I will tug it right out of you. You are such a good patient now give me your sample all over my gloves, I can feel your cock throbbing in my hands. Wow such a big sample, you have been building up a lot of sperm in your balls. Make sure to come back again if you need a release! Tell me how much you wish I were your sexy nurse in my next LIVE members show! Free for all VNA members - xoxo Kimber
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February 7th 2017
I just love Sundays in the fall! Football season is back so I know I will have you at home just watching TV. Let me make you a sandwich and bring you a new beer! I just love being your girl friend and making you happy on your favorite day of the week, Sunday! Doesn't matter if your team is winning or losing I am gonna make you forget about football for just a few minutes! Know let me suck on your cock, don't worry you can still watch the game if you want while I blow you! I want to feel your cum all over my big tits, now give me that big load babe all over my boobs! TOUCHDOWN! Let me know what you think of this GFE video in my next LIVE cam show!! Free for all of my members <3 - xoxo Kimber
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February 5th 2017
I came in the door yelling to see how else was home when I get a rag in my face with a chemical causing me to pass out on the floor. I wake up cuffed to a bed stripped out of my clothes, I can not get free! My knows my father is the Mayor and tells me he is gonna torture me until the Mayor paid the ransom. He starts to tickle my feet, armpits, and stomach causing me to wiggle, laugh, kick, and scream. He finally allows me to call the Mayor to tell him I being held for ransom. The mayor is on his way I tell him as he starts to tickle me with a brush on my feet and stomach. Smacking my face and pulling my hair I still try to get free until finally someone knocks on the door and the runs away before they can get in. I don't think he ever wanted the money.... Did you love this tickling video?! Let me know in my next LIVE cam show! Free for all members! - xoxo Kimber
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February 3rd 2017
I can't believe you went away for that long, that really sucks! I am so happy your back from prison now. I want you to feel what you have been missing and why you better not leave again. I have been waiting to suck your cock for too long, now give me your dick. I wanna taste your cum again, you better not go back to prison again if you want blowjobs like this. Tell me how much this video made you cum in my next LIVE members show! Free for all members!! - xoxo Kimber
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February 1st 2017
Do you want to smoke with me? I've got this cone for us to share if you're interested! I know this is going to make me super horny, I might as well just suck your cock at the same time. I blow smoke up at you while I play with your cock. Licking my tongue all over your hard dick as I pass the joint to you. This is pretty hot, doesn't the smoke turn you on? As you can tell I'm pretty stoned lol Let's see that huge cum shot all over my natural titties! Tell me you want to shoot your load all over my natural tits in my next LIVE cam show!! Free to all VNA members!! - xoxo Kimber
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